
Weibel lines

Lorcan 1 min read

My colleague Stu Weibel contributed a nice retrospective on metadata to the recent ten year anniversary issue of D-Lib Magazine. Apt, as the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative with which Stu has been so strongly associated also celebrated its tenth birthday earlier this year.
Readers might also be interested to know that Stu has started Weibel Lines, his own opinion cache on the web.
From Stu:

As we try to foment change and react to it at once, we are like Escher’s Hands – designing the future as it, in turn, designs us… except that there are often implements other than pencils in those hands. Ever try explaining what you do for a living to your mother? In the Internet standards arena, conveying an appropriate balance of glee, terror, satisfaction, frustration, and pure wonder is no easy task. I just tell her I’m not a real librarian, but I play one on the Internet. It seems enough. [Border Crossings: Reflections on a Decade of Metadata Consensus Building]

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Lorcan Dempsey dot Net

The social, cultural and technological contexts of libraries, services and networks

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