
I regularly present and keynote about a range of topics. I am happy to consider invitations where there is some overlap of interest.

My contact details are here if you would like to discuss a speaking opportunity.

Drop me a note here if you would like to get in touch. Email works too. You can also reach me in the usual ways: * * * * Check the About page for a brief bio, pictures and other details: LorcanDempsey.netWelcome!…

I include slides and videos of some presentations below. Slides are often a poor record of a presentation, especially when used as prompts rather than as full records. But they can be useful. Of course, I will sometimes give various evolving versions of a similar presentation.

I also include some videos, although I cannot bear to watch myself in rerun!

Recent slides on figshare

Libraries, AI and directions: 3 directions
Only two years in and AI is everywhere. This presentation looks at AI and libraries from three perspectives, as a way of framing some of the drivers, developments, and concerns. These are 1] a cultural technology perspective, 2] an industry perspective, and 3] a library policy/practice perspective.

Canadian Association of Research Libraries members' meeting, Ottawa, 19 November 2024.

Libraries, AI And The Messy Middle
This presentations discusses a variety of issues around AI and its adoption in libraries.

Versions of this presentation were given at the Victoria Island Staff Library Conference, University of Victoria, 3 May 2024, and at the California AI Libraries Summit, California State Library, Sacramento, 26 April 2024.

From collections to community: libraries and the relational turn
A presentation to Chalmers University Library colleagues. The library is repositioning itself on campus as a partner in supporting research and learning across the whole life cycle. Discusses various ways in which this manifests itself. While collections remain central, they are also changing in imp…

Chalmers University Library, October 24 2023

Towards the relational library
A brief presentation outlining some academic library directions, as they transition from a collections-focused library to a relational one. It was delivered on the occasion of University of Washington celebration of library/iSchool collaboration.

University of Washington, Allen Collaboration Celebration, October 12 2023

Collection directions and the relational library
A presentation at the University of Kentucky Libraries. Outlines transition from ‘collections-based’ library to the relational library. Discusses trends with collections in this context. Talks about collective collections, facilitated collections, and inside out collections. Also discusses how colle…

University of Kentucky Libraries, 20 July 2023

Consortial observations: Orbis Cascade Alliance retreat
A presentation to the Orbis Cascade Alliance. Discusses some dynamics of library consortia, some factors involved in developing ‘one collection’, and other shared service areas.

Orbis Cascade Alliance retreat, Ashland, Oregon, 13 July 2023

The academic library and the relational turn
Libraries have transitioned from collections to services. We are now seeing another transition, as the relational turn becomes important. The library is positioned in a dense network of partnerships, services, and interactions, and evolves in coordination with its users. This is especially important…

AMICAL 2023, 24–26 May‘23, Al Akhawayn University, Ifrane, Morocco.

Evolving library discovery: 10 directions
Library discovery layers are now mature, constructed from commodity systems and data. However, if one thinks about discovery practice and requirements there are many areas that remain underserved. This presentation discusses 10 gaps in how we think about discovery, and suggest some steps that wou…

Seminari de l'Aula Jordi Rubió i Balaguer, University of Barcelona, 28 Feb 2023

Workflow is the new content: presentation at the digital initiatives symposium, U of San Diego
The digital environment makes workflow support more important, as activities, content, and communications are tied together on the network in various combinations. Think of the interesting mix of social and functional capacities in an application like Strava, used by athletes to track activity and…

Digital Initiatives Symposium. University of San Diego, 25 April 2022.

One score and then: systemwide library contexts. Closing plenary address, CNI San Diego, 29 March 2022.
A discussion of 20 years of academic library issues in the US from a personal perspective.

One score and then: systemwide library contexts. Closing plenary address, CNI San Diego, 29 March 2022.

Collection Directions
This is a presentation presented at Informatie aan Zee in Belgium and in modified form at Bibliostar in Italy. It discusses some Pandemic Effects and how various collections trends are being affected.

Presented at both: Informatie aan Zee 2021, Ostende, 14 October 2021 and Bibliostar Stelline Conference, Milan, 29 September, 2021

College, consortium, collaboration, collective collection
A presentation to the Board of Directors of Boston Library Consortium. Although library collaboration is common and many libraries collaborate through many organizations, it is a relatively unexamined aspect of library work. Many descriptions exist, but little from the point of view of organization …

Boston Library Consortium Board of Directors, 4 December 2020 (with Constance Malpas)

Pandemic effects and collection directions
Beyond the scramble of the current situation, universities will be looking at long term pandemic effects. This clearly has implications for libraries, as they cleave more closely to university strategies. This presentation looks at some pandemic effects, and considers how it will likely accelerate s…

Opened the RLUK Digital Shift Forum, 30 October 2020. 

Collection directions, collaboration, and pandemic effects
This presentation discusses how libraries are optimizing and pluralizing their collections for an increasingly online post-pandemic environment. Versions were presented at the Mobius Annual Conference (1 June 2020) and the Orbis Cascade Webinar (17 June 2020).

Versions presented to both Mobius Annual Conference, 1 June 2020, and OrbisCascade Alliance, 17 June 2020.

Rediscovering discovery: three general examples
This presentation describes three trends in library discovery, tying them to broad pandemic effects. It was presented in a panel at the CNI Spring 2020 meeting.

CNI Spring Meeting, 21 May 2020. 

Library consortia: scale, opportunity, challenge
This presentation describes some of the dynamics, challenges and opportunities for consortia. It was presented at the ICOLC meeting in Vancouver (8 April 2019).

ICOLC meeting, Vancouver, 8 April 2020. 

Operationalizing the collective collection: a case study of consolidation vs autonomy
This a presentation about operationalizing the collective collection. It focuses some of the decisions and frameworks that could underlie deployment of a shared approach. It is based on work done in partnership with the BTAA.

BTAA ILL Coordinators meeting, U Minnesota, 25 October 2019. 

The Irish presence in the published record
Uses the pattern of global library holdings as represented in WorldCat to explore the characteristics of the Irish published record. The most popular works and authors. It is an example of distant reading.

CONUL Annual Conference, Athlone, Ireland, 30/31 May 2017.

Recent videos


Libraries, AI and the messy middle. Presentation at the Center for Advances in Libraries, Museums and Archives, September 4, 2024. Information School, University of Washington.

AMICAL 2023, 24–26 May‘23, Al Akhawayn University, Ifrane, Morocco. Some reflective issues on screen. Changed mike a few minutes in. 

Seminari de l'Aula Jordi Rubió i Balaguer, University of Barcelona, 28 Feb 2023

One score and then: systemwide library contexts. Closing plenary address, CNI San Diego, 29 March 2022.

Presented at both: Informatie aan Zee 2021, Ostende, 14 October 2021 and Bibliostar Stelline Conference, Milan, 29 September, 2021

Opened the RLUK Digital Shift Forum, 30 October 2020

CNI Spring Meeting, 21 May 2020.

Note on slide presentation: I debated whether to use Slideshare or figshare to present slides. Slideshare seemed to peak a while ago. I don't know why it did not last within the Linkedin family and we will see what Scribd do with it now that they own it. It has the advantage of a somewhat more easy to use embed feature. However, it is also a little forlorn in appearance and clearly has not received a lot of development effort in recent times. figshare, of course, is a very different type of service in terms of scope and demographic. It also has quite a new feel. I thought I would go with it for a while, although I am not embedding the view. I think clicking through to figshare is a better experience.

Updated note on slide presentation (9 March 2023): Slideshare is indeed much improved from a UI and experience point of view. However, YouTube-style, there are ads imposed periodically in the slide show so I have not gone back to it. Figshare does not do a great job with the formatting. Apparently it uses Office Libre to render the presentations, so in a call to support they advise using PDF for presentations. Sort of defeats the purpose? Of course, as one is not a paying customer in either case there will be a compromise.

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Lorcan Dempsey dot Net

The social, cultural and technological contexts of libraries, services and networks

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