
Trip report ACOC FRBR Workshop

Lorcan Dempsey 1 min read

When in Australia I presented [big ppt – 11.7MB] at an Australian Committee On Cataloging workshop, Revolution or Evolution? The Impact of FRBR.
Barbara Tillett gave a FRBR overview. Marie-Louise Ayres spoke about AustLit, a resource on Australian literature created from the start based on the FRBR model. It is now a subscription resource. It would be interesting to know how expensive it is to maintain. They have developed various editing and other systems to support a ‘FRBR’ based workflow.
Bemal Rajapatirana from the National Library of Australia spoke about their experiments with Kinetica, the national bibliographic system. They have been doing some analysis of ‘works’ in Kinetica with similar results to ours. [ppt]
The audience was interested, and had, I imagine, about the same level of knowledge as a US general technical services audience. In discussion it was noted that individual libraries would find it very difficult to do anything until there was support from ILS vendors.

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