
The future of bibliographic control and the OCLC/ALISE research grants

Lorcan 1 min read

Each year we collaborate with ALISE to award several research grants. Check out the details page:

Full-time academic faculty (or equivalent) in schools of library and information science are eligible to apply. OCLC and ALISE encourage international proposals and collaborative projects under this program. To aid new researchers, priority will be given when possible to proposals from junior faculty and applicants who have not previously received LISRGP funds. Proposals must be signed by the principal investigator, by the dean/director (or equivalent) of the school, and by an authorized official of the university. [Research grant program [OCLC – Programs and Research]]

This year, we have decided to focus the topic of the call:

Proposals are invited that address the issues identified in “On the Record: Report of The Library of Congress Working Group on the Future of Bibliographic Control(.pdf: 437K/49 pp.), January 9, 2008. [Research grant program [OCLC – Programs and Research]]

The working group pointed to a limited evidence base in many of the areas it discussed. We hope that the research funded here can help address that issue.

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