
'Societal infrastructure software'

Lorcan Dempsey 1 min read

This is a phrase used by Dan Bricklin. Here is what he says about it:

I will call this software that forms a basis on which society and individuals build and run their lives “Societal Infrastructure Software”. This is the software that keeps our societal records, controls and monitors our physical infrastructure (from traffic lights to generating plants), and directly provides necessary non-physical aspects of society such as connectivity. [Software That Lasts 200 Years]
We need to start thinking about software in a way more like how we think about building bridges, dams, and sewers. What we build must last for generations without total rebuilding. This requires new thinking and new ways of organizing development. This is especially important for governments of all sizes as well as for established, ongoing businesses and institutions. [Software That Lasts 200 Years]
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Lorcan Dempsey dot Net

The social, cultural and technological contexts of libraries, services and networks

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