I mentioned the work of the DLF Framework a while ago. This has been looking at ways of developing service and process models for libraries as they evolve to support research and learning in new environments.
The absence of common models undermines our ability to develop and design systems efficiently, to create large-scale collaborative activities, and to communicate the value of libraries to other communities. It makes it less likely that library services will be routinely embedded in system-mediated research and learning workflows (the course management system, for example). It slows the development of common or third-party systems which would reduce the costs involved in redundant development activity across many institutions. And it makes it impossible for the library community to mobilize its collective resources to respond promptly and efficiently to changing needs. [DLF Service Framework for Digital Libraries]
This work has been on hold for a while pending recruitment of some dedicated effort to move it forward. I am very pleased to report that Geneva Henry of Rice University will be moving this initiative forward as a DLF/CLIR Distinguished Fellow.
Incidentally, along similar lines readers may find Andy Powell’s A ‘service oriented’ view of the JISC Information Environment interesting.