
Rewarding experiences

Lorcan 1 min read

It is nice to note a couple of recent awards.
Thom describes the results of our first software contest. First, because we intend to run it again next year.

Dazhi (David) Jiao of Bloomington Indiana won for his OPAC (sorry if that link isn’t working, David is moving it to a more permanent location) that includes a ranked list of harvested citations when a detailed bibliographic record is displayed. The judges (Elizabeth Lawley, Roy Tennant, Jon Udell, and three of us here at OCLC) thought David’s submittal showed an innovative way of integrating the OPAC with harvested metadata and that it made good use of open source software from OCLC. [Outgoing: OR Software Contest]

Honorable mention went to Ross Singer for his Wag the Dog implementation at Georgia Tech that uses the xISBN service.
It is also nice to note that Bill Moen is the winner of the OCLC/LITA Kilgour Award. I first met Bill many years ago when he was still at Syracuse, and our paths crossed every few years since. We are pleased to be able to assist with his MARC Content Designation Utilization investigation. It is becoming increasingly important to gather intelligence about our use of data as we think about the evolution of structures in changing times.

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Lorcan Dempsey dot Net

The social, cultural and technological contexts of libraries, services and networks

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