

I think the Pageflakes grab-bag approach works better for some things than others. Anyway, here are three sites that have come over my horizon recently.

  1. My colleague Karen Smith-Yoshimura alerted us today to a page of library blogs assembled by British Library staff. I was interested to see the classification employed. There was I thinking that this blog had become much more general in recent times, and I see it classified under ‘web and library technology’. There are some interesting videos under the photos/videos tab.
  2. There is always something useful on the BBC Internet Blog page.
  3. I worked in Dublin City Public Libraries many years ago and so was pleased when Eddie Byrne got in touch a while ago. Here is the page he has put together showing library resources.
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The narrative website: from signposting to storytelling

The narrative website: from signposting to storytelling

As we move from a collections-based to a relational library, storytelling becomes very important. One trend is the emergence of a stronger narrative or storytelling emphasis on websites, which helps position the library, promote its services, and address specific interests.
Lorcan 16 min read

Lorcan Dempsey dot net

Deep dives and quick takes: libraries, society, culture and technology

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