Blogging at Microsoft

Lorcan 1 min read

VARBusiness article on blogging at Microsoft.

So let’s take a look at some of the more popular Microsoft blogs, which have given the ogre a new voice. They’ve yet to make Microsoft as cool as Shrek, but they’re getting people to look at the vendor in a new light. Consider the following: Technorati, a site that ranks blogs by traffic and by the number of third-party sites that link to them, recognizes “Scoblelizer” as among the Web’s top 50 blogs. The site is the brainchild of Robert Scoble, who works at Microsoft as an evangelist on the Windows team. [VARBusiness | In The Beginning | The Ogre’s New Voice: Can Blogs Save Microsoft’s Image?]

Brings to mind the Cluetrain Manifesto again.
The article was spotted on Scobleizer, the blog mentioned in the extract above.

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