
Organization of work

Lorcan Dempsey

A suggestive panel discussion on Technology and the modern corporation: how different will it become is covered in Robert Patterson’s weblog. Leaders from several industries discuss changing organizational patterns.

Malone: I have a slogan for that. We need to change our thinking from “command and control” to “coordinate and cultivate.” Command and control won’t go away completely. But there’ll be a lot more times than in the past when being very decentralized, very bottom-up, and very empowered will be the right thing. [Robert Paterson’s Weblog: The New Org Model is here]

Spotted on Jonathan Schwartz’s weblog. The discussion also includes the word wirearchy which I thought was quite nice and had not seen before.

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Lorcan Dempsey dot Net

The social, cultural and technological contexts of libraries, services and networks

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