
New resources on researchworks

Lorcan Dempsey 1 min read

We have added some new resources to our ResearchWorks page, and more will be added over the next while. New resources include:

XSLTproc: OCLC Research’s XSLTProc is a tool for managing and using arbitrary XSLT stylesheets. [About XSLTProc [OCLC – ResearchWorks]]

SchemaTrans crosswalk repository and schema transformation. Crosswalks in the SchemaTrans repository are initially modeled using METS, a standard for encoding metadata about objects in digital libraries. The resulting records are deposited into an OAI repository that can be searched by human or machine using the SRW/U protocol. SchemaTrans translates XML documents from the specified source to the target by matching the dependencies in the documents against the records in the METS database.[About the metadata crosswalk repository [OCLC – ResearchWorks]]

NACO Normalization service. OCLC Research’s NACO Normalization Service enables systems to convert names and other text strings to a format more conducive to machine comparison and sorting. [About NACO Normalization Service [OCLC – ResearchWorks]]

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