

Lorcan Dempsey 1 min read

Check out the labs page at the University of Michigan Library:

MLibrary Labs is where the University of Michigan Library shows off some tools that are not quite ready for prime time. [UM Library: MLibrary Labs]

There is some nice stuff here.
I found this via [BLT] the Blog for Library Technology at umich.

[BLT] Blog for Library Technology is published by the University of Michigan Library’s Library Information Technology division. We’ll talk about technological innovations we’re developing in the U-M library. We welcome your comments and feedback! (If you don’t have a U-M uniqname, you can sign up for a free Friend account and log in with it to post comments.) [[BLT] Blog for Library Technology]

The blog has been going for a little while. I like the practical and informative focus, coming from what is, in library terms, a large group, looking at interesting implementation issues.

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The technology career ladder

Library leaders should be drawn from across the organization. Any idea that technology leaders are overly specialised or too distant from general library work is outmoded and counter-productive.
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Lorcan Dempsey dot Net

The social, cultural and technological contexts of libraries, services and networks

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