
Levels of amplification

Lorcan 1 min read

I was very aware of the UKRDS conference this week as it left many traces in my network environment. It discussed aspects of data curation and reuse in a national context. I was interested to see these three blog reports, covering the same event with very different levels of immediacy. Here they are, getting progressively more immediate as you move down the list …

  1. Recollected in tranquility – John MacColl
  2. Narrative contemporary blog reporting – Chris Rusbridge
  3. Coveritlive-based blow by blow liveblogging – Andy Powell

Both John and Andy refer to differences between librarians and researchers in terms of expectation.

This meeting in some ways acted as a venue for a dialogue between these two camps – librarians and those who supported library support-like national services, on the one hand, and specialist researchers and their support services on the other. []

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The technology career ladder

The technology career ladder

Library leaders should be drawn from across the organization. Any idea that technology leaders are overly specialised or too distant from general library work is outmoded and counter-productive.
Lorcan 7 min read

Lorcan Dempsey dot net

Deep dives and quick takes: libraries, society, culture and technology

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