
Economist on Google IPO

Lorcan Dempsey

Via Brian:

Even more frightening (especially to those who remember Netscape’s fate in the browser wars), Microsoft smells blood. It is currently working on its own search algorithm, which it hopes to make public early next year, around the probable time of Google’s share listing. Historically, Microsoft has been good at letting others (Apple, Netscape, Real) pioneer a technology before taking over, exploiting its dominance in desktop operating systems. [ | The next hot internet stock]
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The technology career ladder

Library leaders should be drawn from across the organization. Any idea that technology leaders are overly specialised or too distant from general library work is outmoded and counter-productive.
Lorcan Dempsey 7 min read

Lorcan Dempsey dot net

Deep dives and quick takes: libraries, society, culture and technology

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