
Critique of Google's handling of CrossRef data

Lorcan Dempsey 1 min read

Useful exploration of how Google surfaces CrossRef data, comparing the search experience unfavorably with CrossRef itself. It would be interesting to consider though to what extent Google’s effectiveness depends on uniform treatment and presentation of masses of data.

Google accepted the gift, loaded and indexed the pages, and apparently declared the case closed. It would have been essential (and it still is if it’s not too late) to provide at least a checkbox on Google’s search page to limit the search to this special collection, as well as a link to a page with some background information. After all, the purpose of feeding Google this information (readily available with free bibliographic citations and abstracts, and with far superior software on the publishers’ site) was exactly to make it available through Google as well. [Gale – Free Resources – Reference Reviews – Peter’s Digital Reference Shelf – June]

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