
Cataloging mission statement

Lorcan 1 min read

I have just come across the MIT Libraries’ Cataloging Mission Statement.

The cataloging units of the MIT Libraries develop and apply creative solutions to manage and facilitate the use of information resources. We continually build expertise in metadata standards and database structures, as well as knowledge of the resources and their scholarly context. We use this expertise to define, create, and manage metadata for multiple uses, current and future. In collaboration with others, we design and manage tools that enable users to effectively discover and access information resources. In these processes, we provide quality control to ensure the currency, accuracy, and coherence of the data. We continually redesign both methods and tools to anticipate and respond to changes in technology and user needs. In carrying out our work, we partner with other groups, within the libraries and beyond. (March 2003) [Collection Services: Annual Report FY 2001-2002: MIT Libraries]

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