
Browser integration of search

Lorcan Dempsey 1 min read

Interesting post on the Amazon Web Services Blog:

Microsoft’s IE blog is reporting on the behind the scenes efforts which lead up to the recent announcement that IE7 will support’s OpenSearch interface. You can read even more about this on the A9 blog. [Amazon Web Services Blog: Behind the Scenes at Microsoft, A9, and Amazon]

And the IE Blog’s view of why this is important:

It’s been a lot of fun working with A9. But, this is just the beginning. The OpenSearch spec occupies a special place because it intersects 3 important communities – browser, search and RSS. We want to hear from all of you. My dream is that OpenSearch is adopted by all the browsers and millions of sites (Internet and Intranets) and that a significant percentage of these sites also expose RSS. [IEBlog : IE7 and OpenSearch: Behind the scenes]

I suggest that it is time for SRU/Metasearch/NISO/somebody to come out with some simple explanatory materials explaining the relationship between MXG, SRU, SRW, and Z39.50; a routemap for the future suggesting who should adopt what and what should go away; and materials explaining the relationship between a hopefully reduced set of these acronyms and OpenSearch.

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Lorcan Dempsey dot Net

The social, cultural and technological contexts of libraries, services and networks

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