And talking about University College Dublin, check out the Book Bag Blog if you want to see pictures of the library book bag in far flung places – and why wouldn’t you ….? Here is an entry on their reader services blog describing it:
What have Antarctica, Paris, Munich, Prague and Belfield got in common? The UCD library book bag, of course! Go to our sister blog here to see where our fetching and useful book-carrying bags have been spotted. And you can join in the fun by sending us a photo of your book bag in some exotic or unusual place. The best picture will win a prize so secret that even we don’t know what it is yet! To enter, simply purchase a book bag for a thrifty €2.00 at any of the James Joyce Library issue desks. Then purchase tickets to far flung locations and get snapping. Maolsheachlann
[Reader Services@ucd Library: Check out our book bag blog now!]