
Adopting open source

Lorcan Dempsey

Open source is an easy choice for the Early Adopter customer: low cost, time to market, and extensibility offer significant business advantage. It’s not such an easy choice for Pragmatists, however, as a single provider will never deliver the Whole Product. For Pragmatists to reap the benefits of open source, they will need to use a new model of technology procurement, and develop a coalition of providers who together can deliver the technology as a Whole Product. With that new procurement process in place, Pragmatists can realize the benefits and business ROI that open source can deliver. [O’Reilly Network: Open Source: The Whole Product]

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The technology career ladder

Library leaders should be drawn from across the organization. Any idea that technology leaders are overly specialised or too distant from general library work is outmoded and counter-productive.
Lorcan Dempsey 7 min read

Lorcan Dempsey dot Net

The social, cultural and technological contexts of libraries, services and networks

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