
20 top IT mistakes to avoid

Lorcan 1 min read

Chad Dickerson, in InfoWorld, writes about the top 20 IT mistakes to avoid. A couple of quotes:

On the one hand, the most conservative IT shops dismiss open source solutions as a matter of policy. That’s a big mistake: Taking an indefinite wait-and-see attitude toward open source means passing up proven, stable, and scalable low-cost solutions such as Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP. On the other hand, insisting on open source purity in your IT operation can delay progress, as developers are forced to cobble together inferior or unwieldy open source solutions when more appropriate commercial software solutions already exist. [InfoWorld: The top 20 IT mistakes to avoid: November 19, 2004: By Chad Dickerson]

IT managers who look only as far as J2EE and .Net when developing scalable Web apps are making a mistake by not taking a second look at scripting languages — particularly PHP. This scripting language has been around for a decade now, and millions of Yahoo pages are served by PHP each day. [InfoWorld: The top 20 IT mistakes to avoid: November 19, 2004: By Chad Dickerson]

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