
Top 1000 works

Lorcan 1 min read

donq.gifI am pleased to note that we have updated the OCLC Top 1000 list.
This is a list of the most widely held works in WorldCat, which in turn represents the holdings of many thousands of libraries around the world. A work brings together the various editions, translations and so on of an item. Naturally, the list is rich in classics, works with long and varied publishing history.
Colleagues have put together some interesting factoids and related lists. You might end up spending a lot of time here!
Pictured is Don Quixote. It was published 400 years ago this year and is listed in 11th place, just ahead of Beowulf and just behind Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.
The entries link through to OpenWorldCat – why don’t you write a review!
Note: we use our FRBR algorithm to create the work sets.

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