Research ∕ Learning

Reputation enhancement


I was interested to see the combination of services presented on the Research and Enterprise pages of the London School of Economics.
These include:

I was especially interested in the Motivating headline on the Experts database page: Be seen. Be heard. Be cited.
I expect we will see more of this type of convergence as universities look at more organized and integrated disclosure of their research and expertise capacities on the web. This is especially topical in an environment of growing ranking and assessment.
Library roles here are one of the issues which have come up in our Research Information Management strand of work.

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University Futures are shaping Library Futures

Libraries are not ends in themselves, but serve the interests of the organizations of which they are a part. As university emphasis varies around research, education and career poles, we can expect to see libraries evolve to support those emphases more strongly.
Lorcan 8 min read

Lorcan Dempsey dot net

Deep dives and quick takes: libraries, society, culture and technology

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