
Blog searching again

Lorcan Dempsey

I posted a little while ago about blog searching options. As others do, I have several ‘ego feeds’ set up to track posts. No service is miles ahead of the others, although Technorati and Google’s Blogsearch are what I tend to watch. That said, others will occasionally have something that those do not.
However, something that I have noticed recently is that PubSub doesn’t seem to pull in mentions from outside North America, or in non-English languages, as much as the others do.

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The decentered library network presence

The decentered library network presence

The library does not have a singular network presence. There may be a main website, but the library also syndicates its presence to other venues (e.g. RSS), has unbundled to social sites (e.g. Facebook), and sources activity in the cloud (e.g. LibGuides).
Lorcan Dempsey 5 min read

Lorcan Dempsey dot Net

The social, cultural and technological contexts of libraries, services and networks

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