The Code4Lib Journal

Lorcan Dempsey 1 min read

Best wishes for success to a new arrival, The Code4Lib journal.

The Code4Lib Journal project aspires to balance a variety of sometimes competing goals. We want to provide quality articles providing useful information and discussion on bringing library technology into the future. We want every article to be a useful intervention into our communities of practice. We value readability over formality, and hope to meet high standards for quality and utility. We’d like articles to have the technical detail for reproducibility, while still being accessible to readers at varying levels of technical expertise. At the same time we want to ensure an easy process for authors, letting authors share their important work and ideas with as few barriers as we can get away with. The Journal is intentionally edited rather than refereed, and we try to contribute editing advice to help authors improve their articles without aggravation. We are committed to the Journal’s free online availability, to increase its visibility and impact in addition to its accessibility. We want the immediacy of a blog, the usefulness of a professional conference, the reliable quality of a good scholarly journal, and the participatory nature of our online communities, all in one easy to read and easy to produce package. [The Code4Lib Journal – Editorial Introduction — Issue 1]

Code4Lib is an interesting example of a lightly organized group of related activities around a strong community of shared interests.


Lorcan Dempsey dot Net

The social, cultural and technological contexts of libraries, services and networks

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