DARE and e-print frameworks

Lorcan 1 min read

DARE is described in the current issue of Ariadne. It is one of several nationally funded initiatives looking at infrastructure for depositing, disclosing and discovering e-prints and other research outputs.

The DARE programme DARE has brought together all (thirteen) Dutch Universities and three major academic institutions to create a network of digital repositories of Dutch academic output. The first year of DARE focused on implementing the basic infrastructure by setting up and linking the repositories. This resulted in the creation of a Dutch network of OAI (Open Archives Initiative) data providers. A demonstrator portal called DAREnet has been set up to access this national network’s academic output. [Main Articles: ‘The Dawning of the Dutch Network of Digital Academic REpositories (DARE): A Shared Experience’, Ariadne Issue 41]

For parallel developments, see the group of projects funded by JISC under the FAIR program (Focus on Access to Institutional Resources), and several projects funded by the Department of Education, Science and Technology in Australia under its Research Information Infrastructure Framework. The latter include ARROW (looking at institutional repository frameworks), Australian Digital Theses Program Expansion, and the Australian Partnership for Sustainable Repositories.


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